Hunger Heroes Unite 

Items we collect in the months of February and March include:

  • cups of mac and cheese
  • cups of Chef Boyardee
  • cups of applesauce
  • cups of soup
  • granola bars
  • individual boxes of cereal
  • individual shelf-stable milk
  • oatmeal packets
  • popcorn packets
  • tuna packets

In 2024, our Northwest employees, member and partners joined forces to collect over 35,000 food items. That was enough food to fill 10 vans! Items were delivered to Helping Hungry Kids, Seven Loaves, Bags of Love, and the South Lakes Food Pantry. Former Commanders quarterback, Sam Howell, even leant a hand in assembling 250 weekend food bags for Dogwood Elementary School. Thank you to all who donated to the success of this effort and for creating encouragement cards for the recipients!

If you would like to contribute, please bring your food items to any Northwest Federal Credit Union branch or the Foundation located at 220 Spring Street, Suite 120, Herndon, VA during the months of February and March.

We invite you to watch as we Fill the Van.


How can I donate?

Donations for this outreach drive can also be made in advance online anytime.  Donate with confidence, know that 100% of your contribution goes directly toward our mission.

How can I partner with NWCU Foundation?

We are seeking drive partners for our 2025 program to amplify our impact. If your business is interested in linking arms with NWFCU Foundation for this impactful outreach drive, please email for more information. Our valued partners will have their logos prominently featured on our drive materials in exchange for a monetary donation, which will be used to purchase additional food for students in need. Together, let's make a difference in our community's education and well-being!